In cenacle with the Blessed Mother, we renew the prayers of the first Apostles in the Cenaculum (the room in which the Last Supper was held) in their promise to keep the memory of Jesus teachings alive. Like the Apostles, we commit ourselves to the same and pursue our work to bring more souls back to our Lord.See: The Great Design of the Blessed Mother for the Filipino People
Guided by priests, we assist families in the consecration and entrustment of their homes and families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We gift our newly consecrated families with the Red Rosary and St. Benedict s crucifix. To date we have consecrated over 4,000 families in Canada and the Philippines. Through these activities, we are keeping with the desire of the Blessed Mother to spread family cenacles worldwide. (Blue Book, Msg. nos. 210f, 214a, 387k, 392f-g, 417k, 419f, 419f-g, 434f-g, 468n, 560L, 567b).
Extraordinary events have happened along our journey. These were shared in consultation with Columban
Missionary Fr. David Clay, one of the consecrated cohorts of the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) and
Assistant Executive Secretary of CBCP Episcopal Commission on Family and Life.
With Fr. Clay s discernment, he confirmed that the extraordinary events experienced by the cohorts of the
MarianCenacles were indeed inspired by the Blessed Mother. Also, a Presbyterian leader now a faithful and
dedicated cohort of the Blessed Mother, he pointed out that it is our responsibility to share these
extraordinary events to the world. (Blue Book Msg no. 12)
An unborn child was diagnosed with a heart condition that would require surgery. The grandmother, who is our fellow cohort, requested that we join her in prayer. The grandchild would later born without need for surgery. Her prayer request had been granted. The picture of the child seen here is the actual picture of the grandchild who received these blessings. The child's glowing heart was captured and the image has not been altered or retouched in any way.
The scent of roses experienced in a dream was brought to life during a rosary, eliminating a cohort s doubt on the existence of God. As the Rosary was being recited during the Consecration of a family, the strong fragrance of roses arose between two cohorts that had a misunderstanding with each other.
While praying with the poor people from slum area of Las Piñas City, the high quality white pages of the Blue Book turned into newsprint color.
While en route to the first retreat at the Ephphatha House, one complained about the bitterly cold weather to the Blessed Mother. Upon uttering these words, the dark clouds parted and bright rays of the sun projected at the table, turning the bitterly cold autumn afternoon to a very hot midday summer. As they continued their trip, they were blessed with bright light that illuminated the dark mountain pass for some minutes.